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General UKF project performance indicators STP II
General UKF project performance indicators per Programs and particular calls for proposals
From the middle of October 2013 until the end of 2019, there have been started and finalized 38 projects within the “Research Cooperability" Program, one project within the “Young Researchers and Professionals" Program and 20 projects within the "Connectivity" Program.
For 17 projects from the first call of “Research Cooperability" Program within STP II total amount of contracted UKF funds in 2013 were 2.947.039 EUR (at the end 2.797.125 EUR has been disbursed/spent - 95%), while from other sources has been ensured 927.706 EUR in total. One project within “Young researches and professionals Program” has been financed by UKF in amount of 10.532 EUR and private sector ensured additional funds in amount of 33.841 EUR from private sector, which is 3 times more than funds from UKF. In total, UKF projects have ensured, from other sources, additional 34% funds in comparison to funds received from UKF.
As a result of one UKF project, a spin off company has been established. This company has developed a multi-channel floating picoammeters that can operate at high voltage which they sold to a number of prominent institutions all around the world such as CERN and Yale and they exported the product to many countries such as Israel, Finland, Germany, Spain, Romania, India, USA.
9 projects from the second call for „Research Cooperability“ Program within STP II which were finished at the end of 2017 total amount of contracted UKF funds were 1.516.016 EUR (1.445.821 EUR finally spent), while from the other sources has been ensured 704.035 EUR. In total, UKF projects have ensured, from other sources, additional 49% funds in comparison to funds from UKF.
Within the third call for „Research Cooperability“ Program for "My First Collaboration" grant, within STP II, a total of 12 projects were contracted and finalized in January and March 2019. Total contracted UKF funds amount to 469.399 EUR (414.407 EUR finally spent), while other sources provided a total of 141.202 EUR. In total UKF projects from other sources attracted an additional 34% compared to the total amount of contracted UKF funds.
Based on results emerged within two UKF projects performed within the "Research Cooperability" Program , three projects from European Research Council have been won.
Additionally, there were 20 projects contracted within the "Connectivity" program for "Gaining experience" grant in 2019, in the amount of 102.629 EUR (98.562 EUR finally spent) while other sources provided a total of 91.393 EUR.
Table 1

* Number shows the exact number of institutions within one call, however some institutions are involved in more projects so they count once in the total
** Value relates to the private and State owned enterprises
*** The funds remained from finalized projects were reinvested into projects within the new calls for proposals.
Table 1 shows data related to the number of projects and total amount of UKF contracted/ funds spent on projects, number of scientists (domestic, foreign and from Diaspora), number of institutions (Croatian and foreign), partners from private sector involved in the project and shares of obtained for co-financing from domestic and foreign institutions and partners from private sector. Data are shown programs and calls for proposals.