30. April 2020
STP II project and the Unity through Knowledge Fund (UKF program) closing
19. December 2019
17. December 2019
The UKF project leader, Assist. Prof. Vilim Filipović, PhD received “2019 Soil Science Society of America Early Career award“
24. October 2019
UKF project leaders Prof. Iva Tolić, PhD and Prof. Nenad Pavin, PhD were awarded an ERC Synergy Grant
6. September 2019
UKF grantee dr. sc. Jadranka Šepić has been awarded the ERC Starting Grant project
22. July 2019
Results of the Call for proposals for Connectivity Program, Gaining Experience Grant: 21 projects financed
5. December 2018
Confirmed new dates and locations of presentations of the currently open Call for proposals for the Connectivity program, 2A Gaining Experience Grant
20. November 2018
Opened Call for proposals for Connectivity Program, Gaining Experience Grant
6. November 2018
The Zagreb Dynamical Systems Workshop 2018 was held from October 22-October 26 2018. at the Faculty of science, Department of Mathematics in the scope of the My first collaboration grant project 'Classifications of Dulac maps and epsilon-neighborhoods', led by Maja Resman and Pavao Mardešić
8. March 2018
Is Croatia Closing the Gender Gap in Science?
8. January 2018
Extended deadline for submission of EXPRESSION OF INTEREST for consulting services: Implementation of Monitoring & Evaluation IT System for UKF programs; proc.ref.no.: STPII-CS-16 (2)
21. December 2017
5. December 2017
REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST for consulting services: Implementation of Monitoring & Evaluation IT System for UKF programs; proc.ref.no.: STPII-CS-16 (2)
1. December 2017
Public viewing to the environmental procedures on UKF projects, addition
1. December 2017
Two additional projects awarded within the call for proposals for Cooperability Program, My First Collaboration Grant
14. November 2017
Contracts awarded to 10 projects in the total amount of 2.93 million HRK
16. October 2017
Public viewing to the environmental protection procedures on UKF projects
16. October 2017
Results of the Call for proposals for Cooperability Program, My first Collaboration Grant
11. October 2017
Interview with prof. Dana Kulić, UKF project co-leader
09. March 2017
Call for proposals for Research Cooperability Program, My First Collaboration Grant closed
26. January 2017
Confirmed dates and locations of presentations of the currently open Calls for proposals for the Cooperability program, 1C My First Collaboration Grant
23. December 2016
Announcement of the opening of the Call for proposals for the Cooperability program, My First Collaboration Grant
20. December 2016
Research that begun within the UKF project Confined DNA has resulted in a further publication in a high impact journal, NanoLetters (IF=14)
6. April 2016
Public viewing to the environmental procedures on UKF projects, addition
31. March 2016
UKF secretariat has moved to a new office, within Croatian Science Foundation (CSF), to Ilica 24. Telephone number you can reach us is + 385 1 2352 685 (remained the same).
New postal address is: Croatian Science Foundation (CSF) “for UKF secretariat”, Ilica 24, 10000 Zagreb
12. January 2016
New forces in cell division: An international team led by Nenad Pavin and Iva Tolić, leader and co-leader of the UKF project "The role of microtubule pivoting in formation of complex structures such as microtubule bundles and mitotic spindles", has discovered a novel structure that is important for cell division
5. January 2016
Public viewing to the environmental procedures on UKF projects
5. January 2016
Results of the Call for proposals for Cooperability Program, Crossing Borders Grant
25. November 2015
Temporary telephone number of UKF Secretariat: +385 99 6312 406
20. October 2015
UKF telephone lines are currently not operational
20. October 2015
The company is spin off of research funded by UKF fund through the project, co-leaders prof . Mirko Planinić and prof . Guy Paić
30. September 2015
Prof. Ita Gruić Sovulj, a leader on the UKF project „The origin of amino acid specificity in editing class I aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases and cellular requirements for proofreading” received the National Annual Science Award of the Republic of Croatia for 2014. in the Field of Natural Sciences
02. September 2015
Collaborators on the UKF project 'Pseudomagnetic forces and fields for atoms and photons' have published papers in Physical Review Letters and Scientific Reports from the publishers of Nature
16. June 2015
Prof. Iva Tolic, co-leader of the UKF project "The role of microtubule pivoting and formation of complex structures such as microtubule bundles and mitotic spindles", led by prof. Nenad Pavin, has been awarded the ERC Consolidator Grant
15. June 2015
Call for proposals for Research Cooperability Program, Crossing Borders Grant closed
01. June 2015
The project proposal (all forms and letters ) must be submitted in English language
05. May 2015
A successful spring for “Confined DNA”
10. April 2015
Confirmed dates and locations of presentations of the currently open Call for proposals of the Unity through Knowledge Fund
10. March 2015
Call for proposals for Research Cooperability Program, Crossing Borders Grant
04. March 2015
Announcement of the opening of the Call for proposals for the Cooperability program, Crossing Borders Grant
04. March 2015
Nevena Cvetešić, PhD student within the UKF project "The origin of the amino acid specificity and editing class I aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases and cellular requirements for proofreading", the winner of the "Za žene u znanosti“ (for women in science) award
13. January 2015
The results of the UKF project "Organometallic and inorganic bioconjugates as potential enantioselective catalysts" published in the prestigious journal Organometallics (IF = 4.3)
08. December 2014
The Centre of Excellence for Advanced Materials and Sensors - CEMS
25. February 2014
UKF letter to its beneficiaries and scientific community
11. December 2013
Contracts awarded for the 17 projects in the total value of 22.2 million HRK
05. December 2013
Second Call for proposals of the project NEWFELPRO open
11. November 2013
Related to the subject of graphene intercalation, coworkers on the UKF project „Photolithographic synthesis and electronic properties of graphene based devices and related structures“ have published the paper in the prestigious journal Nature Communications
22. October 2013
Within the UKF project "Research, development and construction of portable micro X-Ray Fluorescence device", project leader prof. dr. sc. Vladan Desnica, a prototype of a portable instrument for X-ray fluorescence micro-analysis (microXRF) was developed and constructed
14. October 2013
Paper published in the prestigeous journal of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) resulting from the research performed within the UKF project "New electronic states driven by frustration in layered materials" (Tutiš, Forro, Barišić i Smontara)
1. October 2013
Results of the Call for proposals for Cooperability Program
21. June 2013
First Call for proposals of the project NEWFELPRO open
29. May 2013
The Republic of Croatia and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) signed a Loan Agreement for the Project STP II
29. March 2013
Project proposals received to the Call for proposals for Research Cooperability Program, Crossing Borders Grant are currently in the process of international peer-review evaluation
04. March 2013
Call for proposals for Young Researchers and Professionals Program, Research in Industry and Acaademia Grant closed
04. February 2013
Call for proposals for Research Cooperability Program, Crossing Borders Grant closed
04. January 2013
FAQ - Research Cooperability Program, Crossing Borders Grant
12. December 2012
The 100th project within the framework of the Marie Curie scheme COFUND assigned to Croatia
22. November 2012
Confirmed dates and locations of presentations of the currently open Calls for proposals of the Unity through Knowledge Fund
22. November 2012
Call for proposals for Young Researchers and Professionals Program, Research in Industry and Academia Grant
30. October 2012
Call for proposals for Research Cooperability Program, Crossing Borders Grant
20. October 2012
Dr. Robert Vianello published an article entitled "Advances in Determining the Absolute Proton Affinities of Neutral Organic Molecules in the Gas Phase and Their Interpretation: A Theoretical Account" in the Chemical Reviews. With an impact factor of 40.197, the later journal is convincingly ranked as the most prestigious scientific journal in chemistry, and the fifth overall in the world according to that criterion.
16. October 2012
Announcement on the opening of future calls for proposals
13. July 2012
Government of the Republic of Croatia and the World Bank signed the Advance Agreement for Preparation of Proposed Second Science and Technology Project Preparation Advance No. IBRD P4640-HR (STP II) and Ministry of Science, Education and Sports has nominated Members of Steering Committee (SC) and Members of Approval Committee (AC) of the UKF
30. May 2012
Survey of the Institute of Economics Zagreb: ‘Evaluation of innovation programs financially supported by the World Bank’
30. May 2011
Conclusions from the Conference "Unity through knowledge -working together to strengthen Croatia’s competitiveness“
03. May 2011
Conference "Unity through knowledge -working together to strengthen Croatia’s competitiveness“
30. March 2011
Announcement on the closing of UKF Calls for proposals on April 22, 2011
21. February 2011
Presentation of currently open calls for proposals for UKF projects at Ruđer Bošković Institute
22. December 2010
New criteria for the Call for proposals for 3C Grant „Research in industry and academia” within the Young Researchers and Professionals Program
10. December 2010
Dr. sc. Tomislav Domazet-Lošo, project leader of the UKF project "Phylostratigraphic analysis of disease genes expression in the context of life cycle", published a scientific article in the jurnal Nature
03. December 2010
Request for expression of interest for consulting services of Promotional Campaign for Unity through Knowledge Fund
24. November 2010
Request for expression of interest for individual consulting services of Institutional Development Advisor in Unity through Knowledge Fund
27. July 2010
New projects launched for returnees and cooperation with Croatian Diaspora totaling to HRK 8.5 million
16. April 2010
Calls for proposals for returnees and research cooperation with diaspora (1A and 1B)
11. January 2010
Committee member withdrawal from project selection process for recently closed call for proposals within the "Research Cooperability Program"
11. January 2010
Call for proposals for Cooperability Program (1A and 1B) closed
19 November 2009
Unity Through Knowledge Fund Granted HRK 3.7 million to Young Researchers and Professionals Projects
23 September 2009
Presentation of "Unity Through Knowledge Fund" at the Faculty of Medicine
23 September 2009
"Unity Through Knowledge Fund" was elected by the International Labor Organization as an example of good practice
12 September 2009
Calls for proposals for returnees and research cooperation with diaspora re-launched (1A/1B)
31 July 2009
Croatia Science and Technology Project was extended till year 2011
19 May 2009
"Unity Through Knowledge Fund" has been chosen to be presented as a Success Story at Regional and National Level at the European Regional Economic forum '09
11 May 2009
National innovation system conference was held in Zagreb
10 April 2009
The first round of evaluation of the proposals for the Young Researchers and Professionals Program (3A and 3B) finished
23 February 2009
Unity Through Knowledge Fund in EREF Bulletin
30 January 2009
New projects launched for returnees and cooperation with Croatian Diaspora totaling to HRK 6.5 million
23 January 2009
Second call for proposals for Research Cooperability Program ( 3A and 3B ) closed
10 November 2008
New member of UKF Steering Committee
1 November 2008
New Program Manager of UKF
24 September 2008
Novi List, September 14, 2008: "The 'Unity through knowledge fund' will enhance the cooperation between the national scientists adn croatian scientific diaspora"
27 July 2008
Unity Through Knowledge Fund Granted HRK 4.5 million to Young Researchers and Researchers Returnees for Science Projects
HRK 4.5 million worth agreements for the financial support of science and technology projects of twelve young Croatian researchers and researchers returnees have been signed today at a ceremony held at the Golden Hall of the Croatian Institute of History in Zagreb. (more)
21 July 2008
Request for Expression of Interest For consulting services on Joint Promotional Campaign for Business Innovations Centre of Croatia - BICRO and Unity through Knowledge Fund - UKF
17 June 2008
Calls for proposals for the Research in Industry Grant open
Unity through Knowledge Fund has launched its 3C Research in Industry Grant call for proposals. The proposals will compete for subsidies that contribute for salaries and other costs of young researchers and professionals at the post doctorate level who want to participate within innovative projects in Croatian industry. Candidates may come from Croatian Diaspora or from Croatian public research institutions.(more).
26 March 2008
UKF has recently re-launched its Research Cooperability Program and announced the Calls for Proposals for financing joint research projects of Croatian expatriate scientists and experts with their Croatian colleagues, as well as projects of returnees of the expatriate scientists (more).
21 February 2008
The Fund's Steering Committee finished the first round of evaluation of the proposals received for the call 2A (Gaining Experience) of the Connectivtity Program (2A). Out of 10 eligible proposals 3 of them were conditionally recommended for the financing (33%). The recommendations are based on the opinions of the Committees members, after their consensus panel meeting. Only the proposals with final mark greater then 4,5 (on the scale 1 - 5) were recommended for the financing if the negotiations on the conditions will be successfull (more in Croatian).
20 February 2008
The Fund's Steering Committee finished the first round of evaluation of the proposals received for the calls of the Young Researchers and Professionals Program (3A and 3B), open until September 25, 2007. Out of 81 eligible proposals (7 are ineligible), 27 of them were recommended for the second round of evaluation (33%). The recommendations are based on the opinions and marks of two evaluators, after their consensus panel meeting. Only the proposals with final mark greater then 4,0 (on the scale 1 - 5) were recommended for the secound round of evaluation. The Steering Committee will make final decisions on recommendation for financing on April 15. (more in Croatian)
30 November 2007
On November 30, 2007 the Ministry of Science, Education, and Sports signed the contracts for the implementation of 11 projects under the Research Cooperability Programme of the Unity Through Knowledge Fund – UKF. In the course of three years almost EUR 1.9 million will be provided to Croatian researchers working in Croatia and abroad who work on joint projects at Croatian universities and institutes. (more)
14 August 2007
The Unity through Knowledge Fund has started its Connectivity Program and opened two calls for travel grants (2A Gaining Experience and 2B Homeland Visit). Croatian researchers and experts living abroad and young Croatians scientists and professionals may apply for this support in amount up to 10.000 EUR (more).
The Unity through Knowledge Fund has been created by the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports with the aim to use potential and establish cooperation between the Croatian scientific and professional Diaspora. The Fund is financing collaborative research projects and knowledge-based business activities of expatriates and Croatian researchers, institutions and companies
Both researchers from Diaspora and Croatia may apply for financial support for projects that are to be based at Croatian organizations. The Fund will support only those projects that create new values to Croatian economy and society, and those that stimulate transfer of knowledge and investments to Croatia.
Two Committees in charge of the Fund, which include the eminent scientists and experts, are deciding about the allocation of the support. They use the assistance of the peer review of international independent experts. Total resources planned for the next three years amount to 5 million euros, including 3,7 million euros from the World Bank credit. Individual grants can amount up to 200.000EUR for a three-year period, and can cover maximum 90 percent of the total project costs.

