Selection Procedure
Evaluation procedure
(i) The Fund’s support is designated on the basis of evaluation of proposals that have been properly received. Potential users of funds need to justify their interest and the need for support. The evaluation procedure should operate in accordance with the Fund’s Principles and it has to be confidential.
(ii) The evaluation of proposals is carried out in line with the defined procedure which follows the tasks of receiving of proposals, evaluation and selection of proposals by Steering Committee.
Figure 1
(iii) Basic procedure for the evaluation of proposals (cf. Figure 1):
1. Receiving of proposal (UKF Secretariat)
2. Eligibility check - reviewing formal compliance with call propositions (UKF Secretariat, duration: 14 days)
3. Organization of evaluation of proposals, selection of independent evaluators (UKF Secretariat, duration: 30 days)
4. Nomination and approval of Evaluators (UKF Secretariat and SC, duration: 5 days). SC may not approve an evaluator if conflict of interest occurred.
5. Individual evaluation of proposals by independent evaluators, peer review (Evaluators, duration: 21 days) (cf. Figure 1)
In case the evaluation is done in two rounds –instead of 5, activities 6 and 7 will be performed
6. First round of individual evaluation of proposals (Evaluators, duration 21 days), which may be followed by evaluators’ discussion (Evaluators, Fund member, duration: 14 days). (cf. Figure 2 and 3)
7. Second round of individual evaluation of proposals by independent evaluators (Evaluators, duration 21 days) (cf. Figure 2 and 3)
Figure 2 and 3
8. Reviewing evaluations and recommending proposals for financing (UKF Secretariat and Steering Committee, duration: 21 days)
9. Additional negotiations about selected proposals and decisions (UKF Secretariat and SC, duration: 21 days)
10. Preparing of contracts (UKF Secretariat and Steering Committee duration: 7 days)
11. Signing of contracts (MSES and CSF duration: 20 days)
12. Financing and monitoring of project implementation (UKF Secretariat, SC, PMU, Independent financial audit, Evaluators)
(iv)The entire period for the completion of the evaluation process from the closing of the call to the approval of proposals can last up to six months at the most.