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REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST for consulting services: Implementation of Monitoring & Evaluation IT System for UKF programs; proc.ref.no.: STPII-CS-16 (2)
Ministry of Science and Education
Second Science and Technology Project (STP II)
IBRD Loan No. 82580-HR
Class No.: 910-04/17-04/00023
Reg. No.: 533-19-17-0001
for consulting services of
Implementation of Monitoring & Evaluation IT System for UKF programs
Proc. Ref.: STPII-CS-16 (2)
1. The Republic of Croatia has received 20 million EUR from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) for the implementation of Second Science and Technology Project (STP II). Through the STP II, the Ministry of Science and Education (MSE) has the objectives to (i) improve the capacity of Croatian R&D and innovation institutions to implement Europe 2020 strategy for increased investments in R&D through efficient absorption of EU funds and (ii) develop a pipeline of public and private R&D projects, including research groups, that could qualify for financing through EU structural funds. Within the implementation of STP II, MSE envisages to engage a consultant firm for Implementation of Monitoring & Evaluation IT System for UKF programs within Croatian Science Foundation.
2.The Consultant should develop a M&E system for the Unity through knowledge Fund (further in text: UKF or Beneficiary) which will include existing data and key project performance indicators, and provide a unified system of collecting data and reporting.
The objective of the M&E system is to monitor the implementation and performance of UKF projects and UKF programs under the STP II project and results of finished UKF projects and programs under STP project, to be used for evaluation of UKF programs, for UKF statistics, as well as for various reporting requirements within the STP II project. The UKF Cooperability program may be continued even after the STP II end if the resources are secured from ESF fund which would secure the sustainability of the UKF program.
The UKF M&E system shall be dynamic and web-based and as per the specification provided by the Beneficiary. The system should be intuitive and easy to use. The system would make it possible to provide a high level of protection while enabling certain functionalities to different users.
Three levels of users should be foreseen: admin/technical user = CSF technical support and Consultant; 2) power user = UKF = Beneficiary (UKF staff); 3) limited user = project leaders as sub-beneficiaries.
3. The total estimated duration of the assignment is estimated as 30 man/days.
4. Eligible candidate, a legal entity registered in Croatia, will have the following qualifications:
- Proven relevant experience (at least 3 years) in development of M&E IT systems
- Proven relevant experience (at least 3 years) and expertise in creating relational databases of similar
- Proven relevant experience in development of web applications
- Proven relevant experience in data analysis for comparable IT systems
- Evidence of migration of data of similar size/complexity
- Proven experience of performing the tasks of similar scope and complexity in region
- Submit the following for review: company profile, expertise, services offered, educational and
professional profiles of key personnel, reference list and recommendations from clients
- Advantage: Familiarity of Science & Technology Policy and/or R&D&I projects in Croatia.
5. The MSE now invites eligible consultants to submit their expression of interest, together with the curriculum vitaes and requested evidences and references, in English language.
6. The consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers, dated January 2011, under Selection Based on the Consultants’ Qualifications (CQS) method.
7. Interested Consultants may obtain further information regarding detailed Terms of Reference at the Ministry’s website https://mzo.hr/en/rubrike/invitation-tender-and-contract-awards or at the address below, Monday - Friday, from 9 A.M. to 4 P.M.
8. Expressions of interest must be delivered to the address below no later than January 5, 2018, until 4 P.M.:
Ministry of Science and Education
Project Implementation Unit, Attn. Mr. Duško Stajić
Donje Svetice 38, 10000 Zagreb; Tel.+385 1 4594554
or by e-mail: STPII@mzo.hr
2. ToR STPII CS 16 (2) M&E UKF