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Project leader |
Djerdj Igor |
Project co-leader: |
Gordana Dukovic |
Administering organization: |
Ruđer Bošković Institute, Bijenička 54, HR-10000 Zagreb |
Partner Institution/Company: |
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Colorado Boulder |
Grant type: |
1B |
Project title: |
Multifunctional complex metal tellurates: Structure-property relationship study |
Project summary: |
Various forms of multiferroic compounds (powder, dense ceramics, thin films) have attracted a high interest in both fundamental and applied research owing to their application possibilities. They enable the change of the magnetic ground state with voltage only (without loss of energy) and reading of the state using spintronic microdevices. Moreover, the application of multiferroics for sensors, actuators and other signal manipulations is foreseen. The proposed research project deals with the preparation, thorough structural analysis, and physico-chemical characterization of Te-based complex metal oxides with particular ferroic or multiferroic properties. The desired compounds will be prepared in both single-crystalline and polycrystalline forms with a specific aim for the latter to be produced as a nanosized material. In order to do that, widely applied aqueous sol-gel route suitable for the synthesis of single-crystalline materials, and recently promoted nonaqueous sol-gel route convenient for nanosized polycrystalline materials will be employed. A special attention in the materials design will be given to the thin film preparation by using DC magnetron sputtering. The project itself comprises detailed studies of peculiarities of the chemical composition, atomic and magnetic structures, structural phase transitions, physico-chemical properties, and their interrelationships. One of the main aims of the project is the development of empirical criteria for the search and preparation of new advanced multiferroic materials. |
Hrvatski sažetak: |
Različiti oblici multiferoičnih spojeva (prah, keramika, tanki filmovi) privlače veliki interes u temeljnim i primijenjenim istraživanjima zbog njihove ogromne mogućnosti primjene. Ovi materijali mogu promijeniti svoje osnovno magnetsko stanje samo uz narinut napon (bez gubitka energije). Štoviše, primjena multiferoika u dizajnu senzora, aktuatora i drugih signalnih manipulatora je opće poznata činjenica. Predloženi projekt istraživanja uključuje sintezu, temeljitu strukturnu analizu i fizikalno-kemijsku karakterizaciju telurovih kompleksnih metalnih oksida s posebnim feroičnim ili multiferoičnim svojstvima. Ciljani spojevi će biti pripremljeni u monokristalnom i polikristalnom obliku, pri čemu će potonji biti nanometarskih dimenzija. Da bi to postigli, primijenit ćemo vodenu sol-gel metodu pogodnu za rast monokristala, te bezvodnu sol-gel metodu za proizvodnju nanokristalnog ekvivalenta. Posebna pozornost u dizajnu materijala će se pokloniti depoziciji tankih filmova pomoću DC magnetronskog rasprašenja. Sam projekt obuhvaća detaljnu studiju posebnosti kemijskog sastava, atomske i magnetske strukture, strukturnih faznih prijelaza, fizikalno-kemijskih svojstava i njihovih međuodnosa. Jedan od glavnih ciljeva projekta je razvoj empirijskih kriterija za traženje i pripremu novih naprednih multiferoičnih materijala. |
Amount requested from UKF: |
1.376.805,00 HRK |
Amount of matching funding: |
283.840,00 HRK |