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Project leader: Zlatko Marušić
Project co-leader: Marija Plodinec
Administering organization: University Hospital Center Zagreb, Kišpatićeva 12, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
Partner Institution/Company: University Hospital Basel
Grant type: 1C
Project title: Diagnostic potential of the nanomechanical signature in neoplastic and non-neoplastic tissues
Project summary: Cancer development is followed by extremely subtle changes in tissue stiffness, which can be measured by a sophisticated technique called the atomic force microscopy. So far, atomic force microscopy has shown promising results in diagnosing breast cancer, but hasn’t been tested in other tissues. In some breast cancer patients, the atomic force microscope was able to detect presence of cancer signature even in breast tissue without visible cancer cells. This may mean that cancer will be diagnosed using less invasive techniques in the future. The purpose of this project is to test atomic force microscopy in previously untested types of cancer (lung, prostate, bladder) and determine if atomic force microscopy has the diagnostic and prognostic potential to significantly improve cancer diagnostics, treatment and time required to deliver the diagnosis.
Hrvatski sažetak: Prilikom razvoja karcinoma, dolazi do vrlo suptilnih promjena u čvrstoći tkiva, što može biti izmjereno sofisticiranom tehnologijom koja se zove mikroskop atomske sile. Do sad, mikroskop atomske sile je pokazao obećavajuće rezultate u dijagnosticiranju raka dojke, no nije bio testiran na drugim tkivima. U nekim slučajevima, mikroskop atomske sile je kod pacijentica s rakom dojke uspio naći potpis raka čak i u tkivu bez vidljivih tumorskih stanica. To bi moglo značiti da će rak u budućnosti moći biti dijagnosticiran koristeći manje invazivne metode. Svrha ovog projekta je da se mikroskopom atomske sile testira dosad neistražene tipove karcinoma (pluća, prostata, mjehur) te utvrdi da li mikroskop atomske sile ima dijagnostički i prognostički potencijal da značajno unaprijedi dijagnostiku karcinoma, liječenje i vrijeme potrebno do postavljanja dijagnoze.
Amount requested from UKF: 299.217,00
Amount of matching funding: 62,500.00
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