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Project leader |
Rudic Milan |
Administering organization: |
General Hospital Zadar, Croatia
Universite Paris VII, INSERM, France |
Partner Institution/Company: |
Grant type: |
2A |
Project title: |
Research of the (patho)physiology of the middle and inner ear |
Project summary: |
The visit is a part of the already established international scientific co-operation between the University of Paris VII and General Hospital Zadar and it shall further include University of Zagreb (School of Medicine) and Institute Ruđer Bošković. The research is part of the on-going projects:
In Croatia: “Role of angiotensin II in the etiology of Otosclerosis” (project under revision of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports), and
In France: Chirurgie otologique mini-invasive robotisée (INSERM and University Paris VII).
The aim of the present study is to understand the angiotensin II effects on bone metabolism regulation, individually and in interaction with the oxidative stress products by analyzing and comparing its effects on human osteoblast and primary human otosclerosis cell cultures.
We expect that the results of this study contribute to better understanding of the pathophysiology of the middle and inner ear diseases particularly to the etiology and development of the otosclerosis. Transfer of knowledge and techniques from the partner institutions in France (leading Laboratory for hearing and middle and inner ear diseases in Paris) to Croatia could assure future similar research projects and establishment of constant and close co-operation between the scientists from the institutions involved.
Hrvatski sažetak: |
Predlozeni projekt dio je vec prethodno uspostavljene medjunarodne, znanstvene suradnje izmedju Sveucilista Pariz 7 Denis-Diderot i Opce bolnice Zadar a planirano je ukljucenje i drugih ustanova (Institut Rudjer Boskovic). Istrazivanje se provodi kao dio znanstvenog projekta Patofiziologija srednjeg i unutarnjeg uha: Miniinvazivna robotizirana otokirurgija (INSERM Unit M-867, voditelj profesor Olivier Sterkers). Svrha istrazivanja je istraziti utjecaj hormonalnih faktora (angiotenzina II) i produkata oksidacijskog stresa (4-hydroxinonenal,HNE) na kostani metabolizam i pokusati dodatno objasniti etiologiju otoskleroze ali i patofiziologiju drugih bolesti srednjeg i unutarnjeg uha. Očekujemo da rezultati ovoga istraživanja budu znanstvenoga karaktera, odnosno da daju izvorni doprinos poznavanju navedene problematike. Važnost ovoga istraživanja vidimo i u činjenici da bismo metode i tehnike istraživanja primarnih, humanih, staničnih kultura otoskleroze, koje za sada ne postoje u Hrvatskoj, prenijeli iz Francuske i time omogućili njihovo daljnje samostalno istraživanje i u Hrvatskoj. Nadamo se da ce ovaj projekt pokrenuti trajnu suradnju izmedju istrazivaca s navedenih ustanova i omoguciti ostvarivanje buducih slicnih projekata.
Amount requested from UKF: |
4000 € |
Amount of matching funding: |
2701 € |