William Harvey Research Institute
Barts and The London, Queen Mary’s School of Medicine and Dentistry
John Vane Building
Charterhouse Square
Web address: http://www.whri.qmul.ac.uk/index.html
Contact: Professor Kit-Yi Leung PhD, Lecturer in Proteomic Medicine
e-mail: k.leung@qmul.ac.uk , Tel: + 44 (0)20 7882 2120
Partner Institution/Company:
Medicinski fakultet Split
Grant type:
Project title:
Gaining experience in two dimensional gel electrophoresis technique
Project summary:
My short term visit to Professor Kit-Yi Leung laboratory at William Harvey Research Institute in London, UK has a purpose of introducing a novel technique of two dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DGE) to my home laboratory at Medical school in Split, Croatia. We have the instruments for performing the technique, and I am skilled in performing one dimensional SDS gel electrophoresis and many other techniques considering work with proteins, which is required for learning the 2DGE procedure.
This new method will open a new approach to our research work, as well as allow us to establish good collaborations with colleagues at the receiving institute. Having 2DGE technique in our laboratory will facilitate our already existing collaborations with laboratories from abroad. Also this technique is needed by other research group from our University (Prof. dr. M. Pavela Vrancic’s group) and we will transmit our knowledge to them.
Hrvatski sažetak:
Kratak posjet laboratoriju profesorice Kit-Yi Leung na William Harvey Research institututu u Londonu, Velika Britanija ima za svrhu uvodjenje tehnike dvodimenzionalne elektroforeze proteina u nas laboratorij na Medicinskom fakultetu u Splitu. Buduci vec posjedujemo svu aparaturu za provodjenje ove istrazivacke tehnike, i vec sam iskusna u tehnici jednodimenzionalne elektroforeze, kao i brojnim drugim tehnikama vaznim za ovu vrstu eksperimentalnog rada, ovako steceno znanje ce nam uvelike pomoci da unaprijedimo nas istrazivacki rad i znanstvenu produkciju. Takodjer se nadamo da cemo ovim putem uspostaviti za nas vrlo vaznu kolaboraciju s iskusnim znanstvenicima u William Harvey Research Institutut u Londonu. Steceno znanje planiramo podijeliti s drugim znanstvenicima na Medicinskom fakultetu u Splitu (grupa prof. Maje Pavela Vrancic.)