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Project leader |
Karanovic Sandra |
Project co-leader: |
professor Jiri Zavadil |
Administering organization: |
School of medicine University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia |
Partner Institution/Company: |
New York University, Langone Medical Center’s Genome technology center |
Grant type: |
2A |
Project title: |
Molecular profiling of the urothelial cancers in endemic nephropathy patients |
Project summary: |
The aim of this visit is to spend 6 weeks in genomics lab (New York University, Langone Medical Center’s Genome technology center) directed by professor Jiri Zavadil in order to gain knowledge and experience in the field of cancer genomics (molecular profiling). The focus will be on quantitative microRNA profiling of primary aristolochic-acid associated urothelial tumors of the upper urinary tract, that is still not well established in Croatia.
During this visit I will learn to perform novel laboratory techniques, perform analysis on my own material, participate in interpretation of results and prepare a paper to publish the obtained data. The gained knowledge will be transferable to other Croatian scientists, so the benefit would be notable. Additionally, it might be the basis for future collaborations and applications for European or American grants. This visit will also allow me to process and finalize the analysis of data needed for my PhD thesis.
The overall beneficiary would ultimately be the patients with endemic nephropathy and associated cancers as the obtained data might provide key insights into the complex aristolochic acid-induced carcinogenesis and lead to potential therapeutic interventions with the disease at the molecular level.
Hrvatski sažetak: |
Cilj ovog šestotjednog studijskog boravka u Centru za genomiku pri Langone Medical Centru (Sveučilište New York), voditelja profesora Jirija Zavadila, je stjecanje znanja i iskustva u području genomike tumora, točnije molekularnom profiliranju tumora. Fokusirat ćemo se na kvantitativno mikroRNA profiliranje primarnih karcinoma prijelaznog epitela gornjeg mokraćnog sustava uzrokovanih aristolohičnom kiselinom, što u Hrvatskoj zasada još nije dostupno.
Tijekom ovog boravka naučila bih nove laboratorijske metode, napravila analizu vlastitih uzoraka, sudjelovala u tumačenju rezultata i započela s pripremom znanstvenog članka temeljenog na dobivenim podacima.
Potencijalna korist ovog studijskog boravka bila bi višestruka, ponajprije jer bih stečeno znanje mogla prenijeti hrvatskim kolegama, ali i stoga što bi ovaj posjet mogao biti temelj za buduću suradnju i prijavu zajedničkih projekata. Ovaj boravak bi mi također omogućio obradu i dovršenje analize podataka potrebnih za doktorsku disertaciju. Ipak, krajnja i najvažnija korist u konačnici išla bi bolesnicima s endemskom nefropatijom i s njom povezanim karcinomima, jer bi dobiveni podaci mogli dati objašnjenja za složenu karcinogenezu uzrokovanu aristolohičnom kiselinom te na taj način omogućili eventualnu terapijsku intervenciju na molekularnoj razini.
Amount requested from UKF: |
42.314,50 HRK |
Amount of matching funding: |
12.600,00 HRK |