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Project leader Radović Andreja
Project co-leader: Andreja Radović
Administering organization: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science
Partner Institution/Company: National Institute for Biology
Grant type: 2A
Project title: The influence of management intensification of agricultural systems on white stork (Ciconia ciconia) populations
Project summary: The aim of this visit is to start joint research on the effects of agricultural intensity on farmland bird species within regions of different intensity of agricultural production. This visit will help us to make an overview of recent knowledge and available information on bird fauna in such habitats in Croatia and Slovenia and to establish a joint monitoring of different intensity agricultural production influence on breeding bird populations with specific focus on white stork populations. White stork is chosen for several reasons: 1) its distribution and nest placement are well known in both countries; 2) the species preferences for human-induced habitats is well known; 3) the species is flagship species and its status can and should be used for advocating greater awareness on influence of intensification of agricultural production on breeding birds that depend on such habitats.
Hrvatski sažetak: Cilj je ovog projekta započinjanje zajedničkog istraživanj utjecaja intenziviranja poljoprivredne proizvodnje na ptice vezane za poljoprivredne površine na području Hrvatske i Slovenije s posebnim fokusom na populacije bijele rode. Bijela roda je izabrana iz više razloga: 1) mjesta gniježđenja su u obje države veoma dobro poznata; 2) preferencija vrste da gnijezdi u blizini ljudi i ljudima održavanih staništa je dobro poznata i 3) vrste je tzv "flagship" za lakšu kominikaciju o utjecaju intenziviranja poljoprivredne proizvodnje široj javnosti.
Amount requested from UKF: 21.662,55 HRK
Amount of matching funding: 7.000,00 HRK
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