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Project leader Grizelj Ivana
Project co-leader: Shane A Phillips, MD, PhD
Administering organization: Faculty of Medicine, J.J.Strossmayer University of Osijek, Huttlerova 4, 31000 Osijek,Croatia, www.mefos.hr, prof.Ines Drenjančević, MD, PhD ines.drenjancevic@mefos.hr
Partner Institution/Company: Vascular Biology Laboratory at the College of Applied Health Sciences, Department of Physical Therapy, University of Illinois at Chicago
Grant type: 2A
Project title: Mechanisms of microcirculatory vascular reactivity in resistance arteries
Project summary: The aims of the applicant`s visit to the Vascular Biology Laboratory at the College of Applied Health Sciences (Department of Physical Therapy; University of Illinois at Chicago), an excellent research and clinical international center, are: Aim 1) to learn and employ Western blot and immune-histochemical techniques to determine the expression of the proteins contributing to the vascular reactivity of resistance blood vessels in obese patients, necessary for further development of applicant’s doctoral thesis. Aim 2) to learn and employ vasodilator studies of resistance arteries isolated from human subcutaneous fat biopsies. By fulfilling aims 1 and 2, applicant will bring new research expertise in human vascular biology back to Croatia, particularly in molecular biology. This area of molecular biology of cardiovascular disease is underdeveloped in the Faculty of Medicine, Osijek, thereby providing a means for development of basic and translational research in biomedicine and health. Aim 3) to obtain data for future international collaborative research grant applications by prof. Drenjancevic (mentor of doctoral dissertation) and prof Phillips (PI and host institution). Such project would be successful extension of collaboration that professor Drenjancevic and professor Phillips initiated as PhD students at the Medical College of Wisconsin, Department of Physiology, Milwaukee, WI, USA.
Hrvatski sažetak: Ciljevi posjeta Laboratoriju za vaskularnu biologiju na Fakultetu za primijenjene medicinske znanosti (Odjel za fizikalnu terapiju, Sveučilište Illinois u Chicagu), izvrsnom istraživačkom i kliničkom međunarodnom centru pristupnice Ivane Grizelj, su: Cilj 1) naučiti raditi Western blot i imuni-histokemijske metode za određivanje ekspresije proteina koji pridonose vaskularnoj reaktivnosti krvnih žila u pretilih pacijenata, što je neophodno za daljnji razvoj doktorske disertacije podnositeljice ovoga zahtjeva. Cilj 2) naučiti metode istraživanja vasodilatacijskog odgovora rezistentnih arterija izoliranih iz humanog potkožnog masnog tkiva. Ispunjavajući ciljeve 1 i 2, podnositeljica zahtjeva će savladati nova istraživačka iskustva, kao i nove tehnike istraživanja u području humane vaskularne biologije, u svrhu unaprijeđenja rada Laboratorija za fiziologiju cirkulacije, Medicinskog fakulteta u Osijeku, gdje područje molekularne biologije kardiovaskularnih bolesti nije dovoljno istraženo, čime se osigurava mogućnost za razvoj daljnih istraživanja u području biomedicine i zdravstva. Cilj 3) dobivanje podataka za buduću međunarodnu suradnju i prijavu zajedničkog istraživačkog projekata za dodjelu bespovratnih sredstava od strane prof.Ines Drenjančević (mentorica doktorske disertacije podnositeljice zahtjeva) i prof. Shanea Phillipsa. Takav projekt bi bio uspješan nastavak njihove međusobne suradnje koja je započela na poslijediplomskom doktorskom studiju na Medicinskom fakultetu Wisconsin, Zavodu za fiziologiju, Milwaukee, WI, SAD.
Amount requested from UKF: 68.880,00 HRK
Amount of matching funding: 13.776,00 HRK
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