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Project leader: |
Project co-leader: |
Administering organization: |
Ruđer Bošković Institute |
Partner Institution/Company: |
Grant type: |
2A |
Project title: |
Project summary: |
The proposed project “Chemical synthesis of plasmonic metal nanoparticles and their characterization” has several objectives. One of them is finding out the synthesis conditions for obtaining homogenous, stable, shape-controlled noble metal (silver, gold, platinum) nanoparticles solutions with narrow size distribution. The important factor is to determine the relevant parameters for obtaining targeted properties and establishing a reproducible synthesis routine with a special interest in the preparation of hollow metal nanoparticles. The second objective is to learn about the available methods of characterization of noble metal nanoparticles, including the interpretation of the obtained results and the acquisition (at least partially) of routine in the analysis. The third objective is to strengthen the collaboration between groups, defining a common area of interest and using complementary know-how and facilities. The know-how of EFAD method will be transferred to the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology and the knowledge of chemical synthesis of noble metal nanoparticles solution will be transferred to the Ruđer Bošković Institute (IRB). With the acquired “know-how” it will be possible to prepare noble metal nanoparticles solutions on demand at the IRB, which is especially important in the case when nanoparticles tend to agglomerate in a relatively short time. Prepared solutions of nanoparticles will be used for micro- and nano-structuring for different purposes (sensors, waveguides, microelectronics, optical chips). The experience acquired from the group of the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology will be expanded at IRB, increasing competitiveness in the scientific activities, enabling better chances of obtaining financing for new interesting projects in the future. Since there is a demand for noble metal nanoparticles solutions, there is a possibility of commercialization, i.e. offering nanoparticles synthesis service for interested laboratories, faculties and institutes in the Republic of Croatia, broadening the collaboration and commercialization potential of the IRB group. |
Hrvatski sažetak: |
Predloženi projekt „Kemijska sinteza plazmonskih metalnih nanočestica i njihova karakterizacija“ ima nekoliko ciljeva. Jedan od njih je utvrđivanje uvjeta sinteza za dobivanje stabilnih otopina nanočestica plemenitih metala poput srebra, zlata i platine sa ciljem dobivanja homogenih otopina nanokocki, nanosfera, šupljih nanočestica i legura s uskom distribucijom veličine. Važan čimbenik je određivanje relevantnih parametara za dobivanje ciljanih svojstava i uspostavljanje ponovljive rutine sinteze s posebnim interesom za pripravu šupljih nanočestica plemenitih metala. Drugi cilj je upoznavanje s dostupnim metodama karakterizacije nanočestica plemenitih metala, uključujući interpretaciju dobivenih rezultata i stjecanje (barem djelomično) rutine u analizi. Treći je cilj jačanje suradnje između grupa i definiranje zajedničkog područja interesa. U sklopu projekta, bit će prenijeto znanje o EFAD metodi na Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, a znanje o kemijskoj sintezi nanočestica plemenitih metala na Institut Ruđer Bošković (IRB). Sa stečenim znanjem će biti moguće pripremiti nanočestice plemenitih metala na zahtjev na IRB-u, što je posebno važno u slučaju kada nanočestice aglomeriraju u relativno kratkom vremenu. Pripremljene otopine nanočestica plemenitih metala koristit će se za mikro- i nano-strukturiranje za potencijalnu izradu senzora, valovoda, mikroelektronike i optičkih čipova. Iskustvo stečeno na Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology proširiti će se na IRB, čime će se povećati konkurentnost u znanstvenim aktivnostima, s ciljem otvaranja mogućnosti financiranja novih zanimljivih projekata u budućnosti. Budući da postoji potreba za otopinama nanočestica plemenitih metala, postoji i mogućnost komercijalizacije, tj. pružanje usluga sinteza nanočestica zainteresiranim laboratorijima, fakultetima i institutima u Republici Hrvatskoj, čime bi se proširila suradnja i komercijalizacijski potencijal IRB grupe. |
Amount requested from UKF: |
59.000,00 |
Amount of matching funding: |
13.400,00 |