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Project leader: |
Mislav Stepinac |
Project co-leader: |
Iztok Šušteršič |
Administering organization: |
Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb, Kačićeva 26, 10000 Zagreb |
Partner Institution/Company: |
InnoRenew CoE |
Grant type: |
2A |
Project title: |
Seismic behaviour of multi-storey buildings |
Project summary: |
The main purpose of the visit is to comprehend, gather and compare different state-of-the-art principles of the design and seismic behaviour of structures. Novel type of structures with the focus on timber and masonry structures will be analysed.
Timber as a structural material is only briefly represented in the seismic norms. I.e. the European seismic design norm has only four pages related to timber structures.
Work on the seismic response of multi-storey buildings made of cross laminated timber (CLT) is very intense on a global level. CLT possesses numerous advantages as a construction material, including its superior structural and environmental performance, as well as the speed and efficiency with which CLT buildings can be erected. Unreinforced brick and concrete masonry structures perform poorly in earthquakes and CLT can be used for seismic strengthening.
This project will contribute to the improvement of standards, which will consequently lead to a better and more sustainable construction of buildings. With the knowledge gained the Croatian society of engineers will have an opportunity to actively participate in the state-of-the-art research and will valuably contribute to the creation of the newly modified standard. For Croatia, considering it being situated in a seismically active area, the promotion of new technologies is crucial for the development of a more sustainable construction sector. |
Hrvatski sažetak: |
Glavni cilj projektnog prijedloga je prikupiti, analizirati i usporediti različite ’’state-of-the-art’’ principe proračuna i ponašanja konstrukcija u potresno osjetljivim područjima. Analizirat će se moderne konstrukcije, a posebni osvrt bit će dan na analizu drvenih i zidanih konstrukcija. Drvo kao konstrukcijski materijal je nedovoljno zastupljeno u normama za potresno projektiranje. Npr. u europskoj normi EC8 samo su četiri strane vezane uz drvene konstrukcije.
Rad na seizmičkom odgovoru višekatnih konstrukcija izrađenih od CLT-a (križno uslojenih ploča) intenzivan je na svjetskoj razini. CLT ima brojne prednosti kao konstrukcijski materijal; izvrsne nosive karakteristike, minimalan utjecaj na okoliš, brzina i efikasnost gradnje, održivost. Zidane konstrukcije ponašaju se vrlo lose pri djelovanju potresa te ih je potrebno ojačati. UZ FRP, CLT se nameće kao jedan od izbora za seizmička ojačanja.
Ovim projektom doprinijet će se razvoju i poboljšanju postojeće verzije standarda, što će posljedično dovesti do održive gradnje. Hrvatski zavod za norme i inženjeri uključeni u rad normativnih organa imat će priliku utjecati na razvoj buduće norme. Uzimajući u obzir lokaciju Hrvatske koja se nalazi u vrlo seizmičkom području, promocija novih tehnologija nužan je čimbenik za razvoj održive i efikasnije gradnje. |
Amount requested from UKF: |
34.200,00 |
Amount of matching funding: |
38.175,00 |