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Project leader: Tomislav Džoić
Project co-leader: Bror Jönsson
Administering organization: Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Šetalište Ivana Meštrovića 63, 21000 Split
Partner Institution/Company: Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Grant type: 2A
Project title: Plymouth Marine Laboratory Research Visit (PORES)
Project summary: For the proper reproduction of ecological processes in the sea, it is necessary to have as much knowledge about the sea transport of particles as possible. In describing the dynamics of particle transport, the Lagrange methods have proved sucessful. Despite its usefulness in studying the transport of plankton in the world’s seas, use of Lagrangian methods in the Adriatic Sea is only in its early stages. The goal of the Plymouth Marine Laboratory Research Visit (PORES) project is to establish cooperation between scientists from the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries from Split with scientists from Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) through the learning and use of the model trajectory developed at PML. The trajectory modeli application will be carried out by computer simulations in the Adriatic Sea, with the ultimate goal being to acquire knowledge about different time scales in which marine currents connect different regions of the Adriatic Sea. The basis for the analysis will be a 30-year climate reanalysis made by a combined atmospheric-oceanographic high-resolution numerical model. The combination of multi-year simulation results with the most up-to-date Lagrange tools for assessing connectivity will be used in the study of the success of transport under different environmental conditions. Trends in modeling will be compared with trends from long-term series of biological measurements. Comparison of modeled and measured trends will allow quantification of the adaptation of different types of plankton to changes in the environment and changes in planktonic pathways dependent on climate change and shifts in atmospheric and ocean regimes.
Hrvatski sažetak: Za pravilnu reprodukciju ekološih procesa u moru nužno je imati što veće znanje o morskom transportu čestica. Pri opisivanju dinamike transporta čestica ponajbolje su se pokazale lagrangeovske metode. Unatoč tome što su se lagrangeovske metode pokazale uspješnim u proučavanju transporta planktona u svjetskim morama, njihovo korištenje u Jadranskom moru je tek u početcima. Cilj projekta Plymouth Marine Laboratory Research Visit (PORES) je uspostava suradnje znanstvenika s Instituta za oceanografiju i ribarstvo iz Splita s vrhunskim znanstvenicima iz Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) kroz učenje i korištenje modela trajektorija razvijenog u PML-u. Učenje modeliranja pomoću modela trajektorija će se provoditi računalnim simulacijama u Jadranskom moru, pri čemu će konačni cilj biti stjecanje znanja o različitim vremenskim skalama u kojima morske struje povezuju različite regije Jadranskog mora. Osnova za analizu će biti 30-godišnja klimatska reanaliza napravljena pomoću združenog atmosfersko-oceanografskog numeričkog modela visoke rezolucije. Kombinacija rezultata višegodišnjih simulacija s najsuvremenijim lagrangeovskim alatima za procjenu povezanosti koristit će se u proučavanju uspjeha transporta u različitim okolišnim uvjetima. Trendovi dobiveni modeliranjem usporediti će se s trendovima iz dugoročnih serija bioloških mjerenja. Usporedba modeliranih i izmjerenih trendova će omogućiti kvantificiranje prilagodbe različitih vrsta planktona promjenama u okolišu i promjene planktonskih putanja zavisnih o klimatskim promjenama i pomacima u režimu atmosfere i oceana.
Amount requested from UKF: 39.000,00
Amount of matching funding: 30.700,00
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